Find an original narrative about a Caribbean island/place produced by US or European visitors, travelers, missionaries, soldiers, adventurers, revolutionaries, officials, etc. written/published between the 1880s and 1930s

Due Sept 25.

  1. Use google books. You might find a full text downloadable book.
  2. Or go to the HATHI trust digital library on the web. Free full text books for download.
  4. Or go to our library and ask the librarian how to find this sort of thing
  5. Or try The Making of America Digital Library:
  6. Or any other US/Americas history digital library that might have an out of copyright full text book of this sort for you to download.
  7. Or if you can WALK or WHEEL TO THE LIBRARY find one in the catalog and read it in paper.
  8. Be aware that these will have strange titles.
  9. ...and if you can't find one let me know!!

Read the book in one hour...skim it...skip the boring the good parts carefully, flip through it, figure it out...and write a one page discussion of:

  1. What is the book?
  2. What world produced the book?
  3. Who wrote the book? Why?
  4. How does it link to our course discussions and readings?
  5. What sort of views of the Caribbean are embedded in the book?
  6. Anything else you find interesting or relevant...this is an open-ended exercise

If you are a skilled researcher you can include articles published in the periodicals of the period instead of a book. They also included these sorts of narratives and sometimes very lively debates.